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African Elephants

For some companies he has developed and executed concepts and designs for campaigns.
Photo and 4K film productions in the Amazon Jungle, Madagascar, Alps, South America and in Africa.

Open Photo Fine Art exhibition “SURVIVOR-Bedrohte Arten”,
in Germany, Hamburg overseas boulevard

Making of coffee-table book “SURVIVOR – Bedrohte Arten”,
Tecklenborg Verlag

Making of Photo Fine Art exhibition “SURVIVOR – Bedrohte Arten”

Open Photo Fine Art exhibition “SURVIVOR-Bedrohte Arten” TV trailer

Open Photo Fine Art exhibition “SURVIVOR-Bedrohte Arten” TV trailer

Madagascar „A Unique World Of Animals“ by Thorsten Milse

„EPIC ALPS“ by Thorsten Milse, Canon campaign

„Madagascar“ by Thorsten Milse, Sachtler/Vitec group campaign

Open Photo Fine Art exhibition “Dem Sturm ins Auge schauen”,
cooperation with WWF Germany
in Germany, Hamburg Overseas Boulevard

„Amazon Jungle“ by Thorsten Milse, Toshiba campaign

„Art of South America“ by Thorsten Milse, Sachtler campaign

Canon EOS 6D campaign Wildlife & Landscape by Thorsten Milse

Canon EOS 6D campaign Making of Iceland by Thorsten Milse

“Aussie dog on tour” with Thorsten Milse, Canon campaign

“POLAR WORLD” Arktis-Antarktis making of by Thorsten Milse, Book trailer

Photo Fine Art exhibition “POLARC WORLD” Arktis-Antarktis
in France, Photofestival Montier en Der

Photo trip to Spain-Gibraltar by Thorsten Milse, Toshiba campaign